Word Thingys: Salome Strangelove

She waits naked in the window
Bare flesh, dark hair, and just a grin,
Her beauty braver than the shadows,
A silhouette of breathless sin.
And when I ask her, all she’ll say
“We must defy the light of day”

Holds her head up like a solider
Every inch so lithe and lush
Ignores the voices and the whispers
Won’t even give them just a blush.
And when I ask her, all she’ll say
“We must defy the light of day”

Her laughter’s wild on the breezes
Rainfall pomegranate seeds
She’s trapped, she’s trapped, but never captured
Even buried, she’s is free

Don’t let the Winter keep you too long,

She walks silent in the caverns
Memorizing all the turns
Knows exactly where the earth shakes
Knows exactly where it burns
And when I ask her, all she’ll say
“We must await the light of day”

Holds her hands up like a preacher
Her palms pale and steady on
Turns back every beast and demon
They run and tremble from her song
And when I ask her, all she’ll say
“We must await the light of day”

Her laughter’s wild on the breezes
Rainfall pomegranate seeds
She’s trapped, she’s trapped, but never captured
Even buried, she’s is free

Don’t let the Winter keep you too long,

Oh and when Spring comes
She’s free, She’s free

She waits naked in the window
Bare flesh, dark hair, and just a grin,
Her beauty braver than the shadows,
A silhouette of breathless sin.