Word Thingys: Salome Strangelove

Seen too many Cheshire smiles
Talked to one too many flowers
Spent too many dreams on Jabberwoks
Tweedledeed and -dumed for hours
Fed up with all the hatters and the clocks that bind their souls
Wasting so much time on madmen’s urgent goose-chase goals
No more one-night chess games battling cabbages and kings
The time has come at last, my love, to sing of better things.

Down the rabbit hole, falling falling never stop
Through the looking glass, from the bottom to the top
Upside down and cartwheel tumbling, between the darkness and the light
Where you eat me, dance me, drink me every day and every night
Down the rabbit hole, falling falling never stop
Through the looking glass, from the bottom to the top

No more Gryphon attitudes
No more caterpillar rhymes
No more painted roses
No more playing cards or crimes
Fed up with the Queen of Hearts and the nonsense that she screams
Wasting too much time on the Red King’s idle dreams
No more late-night riddle rumblings about sealing wax and wings
The time has come at last, my love, to sing of better things.

Down the rabbit hole, falling falling never stop
Through the looking glass, from the bottom to the top
Upside down and cartwheel tumbling, between the darkness and the light
Where you eat me, dance me, drink me every day and every night
Down the rabbit hole, falling falling never stop
Through the looking glass, from the bottom to the top

Touch me through this mirror
And pull me through the shards
Make it simple, make it clearer
I’m sick to death of avant-garde

Down the rabbit hole, falling falling never stop
Through the looking glass, from the bottom to the top
Upside down and cartwheel tumbling, between the darkness and the light
Where you eat me, dance me, drink me every day and every night
Down the rabbit hole, falling falling never stop
Through the looking glass, from the bottom to the top