Force Of Nature
Music: Lyndon Heart
Lyrics: Salome Strangelove

Across the street from where you work
Is a bookshop with a small cafe
And every day ’round one o’clock a man wipes down the tables
He doesn’t know your name
But he wants to

He was there today when you dropped your keys
And swore so loud it scared the jays
From their nest behind that busted sign above the door
You didn’t mean anyone to hear
But he did

And he likes that dress you wear sometimes on Fridays
With the skirt you have to cling to on windy afternoons

And he loves the way you move within
The world around you like there’s more
Than concrete and steel beneath your feet
He knows you’re a force of nature
In an artificial world
And somewhere deep down he thinks:
That’s supposed to be my girl

Across the street from where you work
Is a bookshop with a small cafe
And every day ’round four o’clock an old jazz hand starts to play
He doesn’t know your name
But he wants to

He’s there on the days when you feel so broken
Coming back from lunch
From the hotels that don’t have restaurants
You never want anyone to see you cry
But he does

And he thinks you are vision when you fight against the tears
Like an ice sculpted Venus de Milo melting in the sunshine

And he loves the way you gather up
The world around you like you own
The very air he breathes
He knows you’re a force of nature
In an artificial world
And somewhere deep down he thinks:
That’s supposed to be my girl.
My girl.

Across the street from where you work
Is a bookshop with a small cafe
And amid all the indifference of those caffeine-addicted faces
There is always a man or two
Just waiting on the day
A force of nature comes to blow them all away

Yeah, we all know there’s a force of nature
In this artificial world
And somewhere deep down we all think
She’s supposed to be our girl.

Across the street from where you work
Is a bookshop with a small cafe